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Writer's pictureAshley Amanda

Preparing for a Website Consultation

Updated: Sep 14, 2024

The time has come and you're ready for a website to grow and represent your business professionally. This article will help prepare you for your website consultation and give you tips on how to have things in order when it's time to hire a website designer.

It's best practices to have your have your information ready for your website designer before your phone consultation. Below are the main things that will need to have ready.

1. Make a list of questions

Take a few minutes to jot down some questions that you have regarding the website design process. This is the time to explain your vision and discuss your expectations for your new website.

2. Create a list of your products and services

Preferably on a word document have your products and services listed. Include pricing and descriptions.

3. Have your photos ready

When designing a stunning website it's important that designers have quality photos to showcase on your website. If you sell products have your photos organized and ready. If you have a service based or self branding business its important to have quality photos of yourself. Stock photo can also be used by your website designer but its also a good idea to have quality photos of your own as well. When speaking with your website designer you both will discuss the best mix of photos to use.

4. Prepare your bio

A good bio for your website should be a single paragraph that describe who you are. It is best to keep this type of personal bio between 200 and 400 words for your website.

5. Prepare an "About Us" and or "Mission Statement" for your business

The "about us" statement is to tell people what your business does. Your "Mission" statement is an explanation of your businesses reason for existence. It describes your purpose and overall intention. Having both prepared and ready will help move the design process along in a timely manner.

6. Have a Launch Date In Mind

When consulting with a website designer it's important to have a time line in mind. This helps the website designer to give you an accurate quote and estimated delivery date.

Websites By Ashley

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